Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hello everyone. I hope everyone is enjoying the gorgeous sunny morning as much as I am. My son is flying back to his Army base today. It sure was great to see him over the last week and a half. We just held our drawing for having 50 followers. Before I give the winners name, I wanted to show you what the winner will receive. If you remember, I mentioned something for every season. We start out with our Halloween bat.
Next is one of our prim apples and a cross stitched "Liberty" pin keep.

I have also included one of our prim snowmen, a primitive heart and a pear.

The winner will also receive this vintage piece of quilt and a vintage cutter.
And last but not least, a bunny head ornie and a prim strawberry. And the winner is Tomatoe Creek Prims. Please email me your address so I can ship your goodies. Please post your winnings on your blog. Our next give away will take place when we have 100 followers.
I couldn't resist sharing our latest attempt at a family photo while all my kids and grand kids were together.

A great big THANKS to all those who made it to the open house or emailed orders into us. thanks so much.

1 comment:

  1. who took those pictures of your grandbabies??? they are cute! HAHA =)

    That's a good basket of giveaways...
