Hello, just a quick note to thank those who came to our 1st Annual Gathering On The Lawn. You all made it a huge success. We had aver 400 visitors, with many wonderful comments. We will soon be posting pictures and links on our picture trail and on the blog. We are also getting busy for our Harvest Thyme Open House. Many of the vendors have expressed a desire to return and participate. How exciting. We have already started making items we hope you will enjoy. This will be our 3rd year anniversary and feel very blessed by God and those of you we now consider friends.
We are still making other items as well as getting ready for our next Open House. Our "Union Solider" was a hit so we will have a few more of him. In case you missed him, here is his picture.
Here are a few pictures from the big day.

I will get on sometime this week and list our vendors and more pictures. Be sure to also visit our picture trail later for links to the vendors. Thanks again to everyone who made the day a huge success. Blessings, Lynda